Category Meanings

Please keep these definitions in mind so you understand where the drama pertains!

And the Winner Is: scores, results, titles, awards, etc.  Some of these make us shed a few tears for the good or bad.

Attention Whore: the player causing all the drama for the wrong reasons.

Breakups: lost relationships, suspensions, transfers, loans…

Hair Pulling and B&*^% Slapping: penal fouls, real slapping, CR7 pushing Pep, and other unattractive types of manhandling.

He’s Going Where?!: a normal reaction to a breakup.

I’m So Over You: yellow & red cards, suspensions, benching (like when Mou benched San Iker, smh…still smh), transfers &  loans, resignations, dismissals…

The Instigator: the one initiating the cat-fights that the media immortalizes.

Keeping It Real: performing a heroic act that amps up respectability in the profession or as a human being.  i.e. Boateng walking off the pitch to counteract the racist attacks, Klose admitting to a hand. The opposite of a “Hand of God” move.

Messi or Ronaldo: self explanatory.  Anything that relates to the eternal rivalry between these two players. Sometimes cause an even stronger rivalry in the fandom.Who’s the best? You decide. Please be nice.  🙂

Mr. Popularity: player of the game, championship, or the one causing the most drama.

Oh No You Didn’t: any action  that makes our eyes pop, skip meals and lose sleep at night.

The Homecoming Queen: a notably controversial futbolista. Also Lionel Messi, who wins the Ballon d’Or every year.

Show Stopper: stealing the spotlight for the right reasons.

Smack Talkin’: abusive language, insults, HARD CORE insults (that sometimes result in a headbutt), negative comments, hating on Cristiano Ronaldo and/or Messi…

Stiletto Height: the level of drama in any given fútbol event.

Total Backstabber: alludes to controversial transfers, statements that place colleagues in a negative light, or any action that “betrays” colleagues.

Walk of Shame: The slutty stroll to the locker room after being sent off the pitch with a red card.

What a Hater!:  actions that just reveal bad sportsmanship.  Usually reflected by Smack Talkin.’

You Did NOT Just Say That: dismal statements of any nature.

You Did NOT Just DO That: controversial acts of any nature.

You’re so Fake: OBVIOUS dives that sometimes trick the referee into awarding free kicks, penalty shots, red/yellow cards.  Refs not awarding fouls… Sadly, these sometimes determine the final score.

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